Dr. Shyam Sundar Khadka, Team leader of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Lab and Head of Department of Civil Engineering, has been appointed as Associate Dean of School of Engineering.
Category: News

Successful Completion of First International Conference on Space Utilization and Research in Underground Structures (SURung-I)Successful Completion of First International Conference on Space Utilization and Research in Underground Structures (SURung-I)
The First International Conference on Space Utilization and Research in Underground Structures (SURung-I) was hosted by Kathmandu University on the 5th and 6th of May 2022. The conference brought together

Participation in Himalayan Hydro Expo 2022Participation in Himalayan Hydro Expo 2022
Third and first year students from Department of Civil Engineering participated and secured third position in the Himalayan Hydro Expo 2022. The exhibition was held during April 02-04, 2022 and

Final Defense of MS by Research CandidatesFinal Defense of MS by Research Candidates
On September 05, 2021, two research candidates – Mr. Sujan Karki and Mr. Bimal Chhushyabaga defended their final thesis in the presence of Dean and Associate Dean of School of

Appointment of Dr. Khadka as the Acting Head of Department of Civil EngineeringAppointment of Dr. Khadka as the Acting Head of Department of Civil Engineering
Assistant Professor, Dr. Shyam Sundar Khadka has been appointed as the Acting Head of the Department of Civil Engineering effective from August 17, 2021 (Bhadra 01, 2078). Dean of School

Initiation of tunnel construction in KU for Geo-LabInitiation of tunnel construction in KU for Geo-Lab
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Publication of Research papersPublication of Research papers
Two papers, on modeling of faults and squeezing ground has been published in Lowland Technology International Journal Volume 21 (Issue 4). Researchers Mr. Sujan Karki and Mr. Bimal Chhushyabaga participated
Field Visit to Super Madi Hydropower Project, Kaski, NepalField Visit to Super Madi Hydropower Project, Kaski, Nepal
On March 8, students from Department of Civil Engineering along with faculty, visited the Super Madi Hydroelectric Project as a part of their academic field trip. The objective of the

Guest Lecture of Prof. Panthi to Department of Civil EngineeringGuest Lecture of Prof. Panthi to Department of Civil Engineering
On December 4, 2019, Prof. Krishna Kanta Panthi from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) visited Kathmandu University (KU) for a guest lecture on ‘Introduction to Geology and Rock
Visit of Dr. Shyam Sundar Khadka to Paschimanchal CampusVisit of Dr. Shyam Sundar Khadka to Paschimanchal Campus
On November 1 and 2, 2019, Dr. Shyam Sundar Khadka attended the workshop on Western Region Campus (WRC) for developing the curriculum for Rock and Tunnel Engineering Graduate Program. With